Pottery Prayer Beads

18,750.00 TL
In Stock: 1

Çintemani Patterned Tile Rosary for collection purposes.

It is believed that the chitemani pattern inspired by the leopard is protective. It was widely used in the clothes of the Ottoman sultans.
Power Symbolizes Strength and Reign.
The Çintemani motifs on each of the handcrafted rosaries have been drawn one by one, with patience, care and effort.
Just like every piece we add to our collection with patience, care and effort. . .
It is shipped with a velvet box.

Production process of Iznik tile rosary:
With a special mixture, the dough of the rosary stones is prepared. After the drying process, the paint artists start to decorate the rosary beads with a fine brush by placing the rosary beads on a toothpick one by one. In order to obtain 33 rosary stones, approximately 75 rosaries are adorned.
The grains that are ready to be baked are arranged one by one on the wires inside the special tile oven and cooked at 800-1000 degrees, the cooking process takes one day and the cooling process takes one day. 33 pieces of the most perfect ones are selected from the grains coming out of the oven, and they are arranged to take their final form.

Length from imam to 28 cm.

1cm*1cm. Grain size.

1st class special collection item.

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